In April 2023, Mataram City experienced inflation of 0.44 percent, higher than March 2022 which experienced deflation of 0.03 percent. Inflation in the city of Mataram was higher than the combined figures for the two cities in NTB (0.38 percent inflation) and nationally (0.33 percent inflation). Inflation occurred due to price increases as indicated by index increases.
in eleven expenditure groups. The group experiencing inflation from which
the highest was the Personal Care and Other Services Group at 1.33 percent;
followed by the Transportation Group at 0.72 percent; Clothing and Footwear Group
by 0.66 percent; Food, Beverage and Tobacco Group of 0.60
percent; Recreation, Sports and Culture Group by 0.19 percent; Group
Health by 0.17 percent; Food and Drug Provision Group
Beverages/Restaurants by 0.16 percent; Group Equipment, Equipment and
Household Routine Maintenance by 0.09 percent; Housing Group, Water,
Electricity and Household Fuel by 0.08 percent; Information Group,
Communication and Financial Services by 0.02 percent; and Education group
by 0.00 percent.