NTB, August 2018: NTP is up 0.96 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mataram Municipality

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NTB, August 2018: NTP is up 0.96 percent

Release Date : September 3, 2018
File Size : 0.93 MB


Calculation of Farmer Exchange Rate uses the 2012 base year = 100 where in August 2018 the Food Crop Farmer Exchange Rate (NTPP) was recorded at 110.66; Horticultural Farmer Exchange Rate (NTPH) 79.96; Farmers 'Plantation Farmers' Exchange Rate (NTPR) 94.75; Livestock Farmer Exchange Rate (NTPT) 130.37 and Fisheries Farmer Exchange Rate (NTNP) 109.74. Fisheries Farmer Exchange Rate (NTNP) is detailed into FTT of Captured Fisheries (NTN) recorded at 119.66 and NTP of Aquaculture Fisheries (NTPi) recorded at 93.66. In combination, the NTB Province Farmer Exchange Rate was 108.99 which means that the NTP in August 2018 had an increase of 0.96 percent compared to July 2018 with the Farmer Exchange Rate of 107.95 percent.

Agricultural Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) in August 2018 amounted to 118.01 or an increase of 0.18 percent compared to July 2018 of 117.80 percent. Most of NTUP is worth more than 100 except for the horticulture sub-sector which is only 89.92 percent. NTUP other sub-sectors are as follows: Animal Husbandry (144.13); Fisheries (119.60); Food Crops (115,57); and the People's Plantation Plant (106,28).

Of the 33 provinces reported in August 2018, there were 23 provinces that experienced an increase in NTP and 10 provinces experienced a decrease in NTP. The highest increase occurred in East Java Province, which was 2.40 percent, while the highest NTP decline occurred in Riau Province, namely (1.25) percent.

In August 2018, there was deflation in rural areas in West Nusa Tenggara Province at (0.52) percent. Deflation was caused by a decrease in the Household Consumption Index (IKRT) in the expenditure group, namely the Foodstuffs Group (1.19) percent and the Education, Recreation and Sports Group at (0.02) percent.

Based on the results of monitoring rural prices in 8 districts in NTB Province, NTP occurred which fluctuated every month. In August 2018 with the base year (2012 = 100) NTP of the Province of West Nusa Tenggara was above 100 (recorded 108.99), which means farmers experienced an increase in purchasing power, because the increase in production prices was relatively higher compared to the increase in prices of production inputs and needs household consumption.
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