Supervision of the Implementation of SUSENAS Census March 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mataram Municipality

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Supervision of the Implementation of SUSENAS Census March 2021

Supervision of the Implementation of SUSENAS Census March 2021

March 22, 2021 | BPS Activities

#SobatData, you already know that in March 2021 the Central Bureau of Statistics is carrying out the National Socio-Economic Survey? Likewise, BPS for the City of Mataram. This survey is currently in the enumeration stage of the sample households and will last until March 31, 2021.
In the course of enumeration, it is certainly not easy. Our enumeration officers also often experience problems in the field, one of which is the unavailability of respondents to be used as census samples. Then what did BPS do in dealing with this? The initial stage of the respondent's approach is to deploy supervision / supervisors to the field to provide a better explanation and understanding of the importance of this survey data for government development planning. This approach is also carried out in stages, from the Field Supervisor to the Head of the BPS of Mataram City, so it is expected that non-response from respondents can be minimized.
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