Mataram City Consumer Price Index 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mataram Municipality

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Mataram City Consumer Price Index 2019

Catalog Number : 7102023.5271
Publication Number : 52710.2005
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : May 22, 2020
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.27 MB


The publication "2019 Mataram City Consumer Price Index" isBPS annual publication Mataram City, published since 2019. This publicationpresents data on Consumer Price Index and Mataram Bulan City InflationJanuary to December 2017, 2018 and 2019 sourced from the SurveyConsumer prices are carried out on a weekly, bi-weekly ormonthly.Using base year 2012 (2012 = 100), inflation datashows the price movements of the package of goods and services paid bygeneral public. In addition to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data and percentageschanges every month (inflation / deflation), this publication also contains rate datacalendar year inflation, year on year inflation, and commoditiesthe dominant contribution to inflation and deflation in the city of Mataramduring 2019.
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