Calculation of Farmer Exchange Rates using the 2012 base year = 100 where in February 1919 the Food Crop Farmer Exchange Rate (NTPP) was recorded at 117.09; Horticulture Farmers Exchange Rate (NTPH) 80.38; Exchange Rate of Community Plantation Planters (NTPR) 91.58; Livestock Farmer Exchange Rate (NTPT) 126.62 and Fisheries Farmers' Exchange Value (NTNP) 108.02. Fisheries Farmers' Exchange Rate (NTNP) specified as capture fisheries NTP (NTN) was recorded at 116.68 and Cultivation Fisheries NTP (NTPi) was recorded at 94.08. In combination, the NTB Province's Farmer Exchange Rate amounted to 110.32, which means that the NTP in February 2019 decreased by 0.42 percent compared to January 2019 with a Farmer Exchange Rate of 110.79 percent.
The Agricultural Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) in February 2019 was 118.49 percent or decreased by 1.04 percent compared to January 2019 of 119.73 percent. Most of the NTUP is worth more than 100 except for the horticulture sub-sector which is only 89.94 percent. NTUP other sub-sectors respectively as follows: Animal Husbandry (137.45); Food Crops (122,28); Fisheries (118.70); and Community Plantation Plants (100,56).
Of the 33 provinces reported in February 2019, there were 18 provinces which experienced a decline in NTP and 15 provinces experienced an increase in NTP. The highest increase occurred in Riau Province which amounted to 1.58 percent, while the highest decrease in NTP occurred in Central Sulawesi Province which was equal to (1.47) percent
In February 2019, there was deflation in rural areas in West Nusa Tenggara Province by 0.55 percent. Inflation is caused by a decrease in the Household Consumption Index (SCE) in the Foodstuffs Group by (1.31) percent, and the Housing Group by (0.03) percent. While the increase occurred in the Clothing Group by 0.50 percent, the Health Group by 0.33 percent, the Education, recreation and sports group by 0.16 percent, the Transportation and Communication Group by 0.10 percent, and the Finished Food Group by 0, 05 percent.
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