Welcoming the implementation of the 2020 Advanced Population Census (SPLF), an Advanced Population Census Officer Training has been held at SAME Hotel Mataram. The training was divided into two waves, namely the first wave which was held on 7-10 May 2022, and the second wave on 11-14 May 2022. The training participants were divided into 7 classes, with 8 Regional Instructors (Inda) as instructors.
The training was attended by all field officers consisting of Koseka, Team Coordinator (Kortim), and Field Enumerators (PPL). In order to ensure that the material is well received, in this training the officers also do role playing, namely the practice of conducting interviews with respondents.
Data friends, don't forget to accept the arrival of our officers in the 2020 Advanced Population Census, OK! The participation of data friends will determine the future of Indonesia.